Surprisingly enough, I have had a lot less time to knit here than I expected. I guess when you sit in on 7 classes and try to do the homework and some sight-seeing, there isn't a lot of time left for knitting. :) But in any case, here's what I've been working on.
First up is my new camera case. When I got the camera a couple weeks ago, I asked the salesperson to show me everything I needed for startup, and he dutifully did, leaving me at the aisle of cases. But I thought to myself, hey, I have yarn and needles, what do I need these for? Even though they weren't expensive (around 10 bucks and up), what self-respecting knitter would buy one of these when she could make one, easy-peasy? :) I used a cotton blend yarn from Knitpicks, knit a strip (in moss stitch) with a buttonhole near the end, seamed up the sides, sewed on a button, and voila, camera case:
I decided to use the camera's strap for carrying, though I was thinking about doing an i-cord handle. Mostly the idea is to protect the screen from getting scratched so I can carry it around in my book bag & take photos whenever I want.
Next up is something I started before I left home: socks for Dexter. It's an easy pattern--garter rib (k2 p2 ribbing one row, k all sts next row), and I've made notes about sizing, and I've knit enough socks now that I don't need to carry around a pattern with me, so I can stick this one in my bag and just knit on it when I have a few minutes here and there. It's in Knitpicks Essential, blue violet multi:
And here's a project that has been delayed. I started these mittens (for me) before I left home, planning to knit as fast as possible so I could use them here! But I got almost finished with the first one when I decided it was annoying me, so I frogged it (mostly). You can see my second start--different ribbing, a couple more sts to make it a hair bigger, all one color. I like my mittens not floppy, but not tight either, and they were coming out too snug. This is Rowan Donegal tweed, which is really pretty; my Mom brought it back for me from England! (Thanks, Mom!)
Here's a new craft: beading! I won't tell what this is going to be yet, though--I'll save the big "reveal" for later. They are size 10 beads on buckskin that is so buttery soft I want to carry some around in my pocket as a woobie (sp?). I based the design on concepts I'm learning in class, used traditional colors (except for the little peach-colored dot--that color has personal significance), and have another element to put in the middle, so this one isn't done yet. I don't know if the middle element I chose will fit, though, so I need to come up with plan B. Anyway, here it is for now:
My beading is kind of wonky--there are 8-year-old girls here who could do a MUCH better job! But I have really enjoyed doing it. So who knows, I might have a new craft to play with when I get home...
I had the best time in class Thursday night working on this. There was one grandma, who turns out to be an expert in making all kinds of traditional things, who helped me get started because Steve (our teacher) was busy getting everyone started on their different projects--some people making drums, one person making a bustle for his regalia from eagle feathers, several people making jingle dresses for children/grandchildren, a couple people making rawhide boxes. (It is SO EXCITING to me to see how these things are made!!) Mary and I had such a good time chatting and laughing that Steve threatened to separate us at one point. :) (Actually, it's a pretty laid-back atmosphere, people joking and chatting as they're making their stuff, Steve helping each person on the next stage of their project.) Mary said she has a knitting kit at home but could never quite get the hang of it, so I offered to help her next class. Another grandma--a woman MY age--helped me finish this bit of beading, showing me how to tighten the stitches so that my rows aren't baggy. (Most of the women here my age have grandchildren!) That class was one of the highlights of the week.
Here's something that has been entertaining me as well:
(If you can't see it too well: that's Check it out!) The bad news: I think it may have messed up my ability to see blogger in Firefox... Something about javascript...? I have tried to fix it to no avail. I'll have to ask Aunt Keet and Uncle Sam, programming genuises, for some help!
I hope you have some time to do something fun today!
P.S. Happy Valentine's Day! May you feel loved. (You are!)
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