It's been silent here for some time--not for any particular reason. I must be busy. :) It almost feels like I only have a certain amount of writing in me, and if I write notes about my reading or write in my journal, I don't write on the blog. Weird. I hope it doesn't continue!
So, lambs. It's definitely a typical Ohio spring, which means it's chilly and the lambs are being born! Here are some lambs (and sheep) at a farm not too far from here; they belong to the parents of two students of mine. I visited a couple weeks ago (where has the time gone?). They are pretty shy, so it was hard to get good photos of them, but I managed to snap a few:
And here is one of the sheep who was not as shy and came to see what my camera was all about:
I think they're expecting just one more lamb--a late one, as lambs go--and then their small flock will be finished with birthing for the year.
And, while we were there, I couldn't help but visit the chickens:
Hey, let's all try it! Give yourself a bawk bawk and see what happens...
Oh, Karen, you are so awesome!!!