I think I had a happiness hangover from all the hugs I got and gave between Saturday afternoon and Sunday afternoon.
On Saturday afternoon I went to a couple graduation parties and met the families of a couple of my students. That was a HOOT! And on Saturday night "the boys" and I went to the Baccalaureate service at school.
Where I won a big-deal award.
The Religious Life division gave me the award for faculty member of the year. I was kind of stunned when I got the announcement (the week before): I do not belong to a church; I do not profess Christianity; and I do not engage in my spiritual practice at school. But as it turns out, that didn't matter. What mattered was that I brought my spirit-self forward into my work-self. I do not, by any means, talk about my beliefs in the classroom; but my beliefs inform how I behave, how I conduct myself with others, the seriousness with which I take my task and the compassion with which I treat my students, my subject matter, my self.
And I think partly they thought of me for this award through my work with the spring break trip to the rez. Which I would gladly do, forever and ever, if no one ever noticed. It means so much to me, and feeds my soul, and I get to see the students learn and change before my eyes. Amazing.
And then there was graduation on Sunday. I had reason to give hugs--the graduates I'm so proud of and am going to miss so much. But others were hugging me, too, hearing my news.
So there were lots of hugs, and handshakes, and hearty congratulations. And I think it kind of wore me out a little. But that's okay; it's a nice hangover to have.
Hope you experience a nice hug today!
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