On Saturday night, quite late, I got back with the spring break group (doing service work and learning about Lakota life on the Rosebud Reservation in South Dakota); since then I've been walking around somewhat zombie-like. I'm too tired to write a coherent, flowing post, but I have a lot of scattered thoughts that I want to share... so here goes.
Something I like: it was still light out at 7 p.m. tonight.
Something I don't like: we're getting up in the morning in the dark. Again.
Even worse: In addition to losing time to Daylight Saving, I lost another hour driving from Illinois to Indiana, so I feel like I'm jet lagged. To the point of feeling ill. Yuck.
Something I like: pictures of the prairie, apparently. I have a ton of them. To add to the ton I have taken every other time I've gone out there. It's just so amazingly beautiful!
Something I don't like: Ohio, in addition to being dreary and grey, seems to have a lot of homework in it. Hm.
Something I like: taking students out to one of my favorite places on earth, especially when those students are ready to learn and engage with what they find there.
Something I don't like: when it's time to leave.
Something I LOVE: when the students love it, too.
Something I like: playing hand games.
Something I find troubling: even though it's the third time I've been taught, I still am not good at this game.
Something I really don't like: not being able to understand the scoring rules. STILL. Perhaps the universe is trying to remind me of what it feels like to be a beginner...
Something I love: hearing this group talk SMACK during our games. It was hilarious!
Something I love: the Heritage Center at Sinte Gleska University and the museum at St. Francis, both full of treasures of Lakota art.
Something that's even more awesome: having Steve explain the significance of the designs, materials, and construction of the pieces to us.
Something I like: being in a room full of people who, inspired by those works of art, that evening learn how to make tiny moccasins.
Something I'm very grateful for: that Steve and Gabby and C.J. were so patient with us and willing to teach us and share their culture with us. What an amazing gift!
Something else I like: people so excited about making dream catchers that they buy supplies at the bookstore on the way out of town and make them in the van. Inspiring!
Something I like: seeing the moon above lodge (tipi) poles.
(Can you see it there? on the right?)
Something I like: seeing the Missouri River. When I cross over it, I know I'm in the land I love.
Something I like: traveling in a flock, each of us contributing to the group effort.
It was really a great trip. I feel very lucky to have been a part of this group!
I hope you feel a sense of belonging today.
Hau Hankashi Karen, Pilamiya for your story and give away with the Sicangu Lakota Oyate. Great photos. Be well take care and hope to connect with you on your journey again. Doksha. Please greet your crew from OWU and the land of my Bixby - Cowles Ancestors. Remember Hollow Horn Bear in the third week of July. Perhaps Dexter and Patrick will join us there. We'll find out.....